CHEM 123 Lecture 1: 123 Introduction

50 views2 pages
4 Apr 2018

Document Summary

World started with a reducing atmosphere (no oxygen) Photosynthesis started producing oxygen as a waste product. Happened slowly enough that life could evolve the new overall oxidizing environment. Meteorite killed the dinosaurs 2nd ecological disaster. Evidence: large concentration of iridium from the meteorite between k & t layers. Drastic form of climate change (dark & cold environment) Geological period where humans influenced conditions on earth so much that one can notice it if they look back on the timeline. In the last 50 years, human population + food supply has doubled. Smoke from factories can cause acid rain. Brown asian clouds as a result of burning. Burning oil = oil spills externality: external costs; costs that were not considered. People pay for oil but not the oil spills. Ex: platform holly (decommissioning an oil rig once it"s abandoned by bankrupt oil companies), oil spills. Rdx made america a superpower but is polluting water & soil.