CHEM 2443 Lecture Notes - Lecture 14: Conformational Isomerism, Newman Projection, Ethane

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12 Aug 2016

Document Summary

Avery welch organic chemistry week 7 lecture 17 chapter 8 2/29/16. Exam 2 all of 5, 6, 7 and 8. 1 (ethane derivatives) Rotamers & conformation: why are certain transition states favored, etc. etc. Molecules are constantly absorbing energy from the environment: activation energy heat to make molecules move around faster and potentially react; dissipates energy. Movement through a medium dissipation energy. Single-covalent bond w/ 2 atoms attached to the bond (what we will be focusing on) Sawhorse diagram + newman projection (2 different perspective drawings of one molecule: tetrahedron + tetrahedron, turned to one side is a sawhorse diagram, from front to back, it is a newman projection, know how to draw these. Front carbon of newman projection is a dot, back carbon is a larger circle: 3 atoms are connected to the front carbon, 3 atoms are connected to the back carbon.