HLTH 140 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: American Community Survey, Monogamy, Genetic Predisposition

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Chapter 5: connecting and communicating in the modern. Intimate relationships: intimate relationships are those with family members, friends, and romantic partners, characterized by. Although sex can play an important role in emotional attachment, a relationship can be very intimate and yet, not sexual: through relationships, we fulfill our needs for. Someone we can share worries and concerns with. Someone we can take care of and vice versa. Someone who can reassure us of our worth. People with positive, fulfilling relationships are 50% more likely to survive over time than people in poor relationships over time than people in poor relationships. Relating to yourself: two concepts important to any good relationship, accountability. Recognize responsibility for your own action, decisions, and choices. Developing individual potential through a balanced and realistic appreciation of self worth and ability: self esteem and self acceptance are important factors that affect your ability to:

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