ENGCMP 0200 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Picket Fences, American Airlines Flight 587

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It could be worse the comparison of american airlines flight 587 & 9/11 with. The mother panicked because the plane crash closed down the bridges and tunnels in. New york city making it dif cult for her to get to the hospital, and his/her father took a 4 hour drive instead of a 1 because of the crash. Last 2 paragraphs recall 9/11 and current plane crash, also comparing outcomes, lessons, the points of the story/essay. Second paper - where are these evil people? . Paragraph #1 comparing the two main characters, the reader can tell they come from different backgrounds and would not necessarily interact if they were not coworkers. Remove ; i"m so proud she became my friend. Paragraph #2 talks about how the 2nd lead is incarcerated, and how the main character had always been taught how evil and scary prisoners were, but this was not the case with peggy.

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