CS 0441 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Discrete Mathematics, Universal Instantiation, Peanut Butter

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How do we deduce new information by combining information from. Writing valid proofs is a subtle art deriving new knowledge. Step 1: discover and formalize the property that you wish to prove this is called research Generally not a difficult step in this course. Step 2: formalize the ground truths (axioms) that you will use to prove this property. Step 3: show that the property in question follows from the truth of your axioms. A conjecture is a statement that is thought to be true. A proof is a valid argument that establishes the truth of a given statement (i. e. , a conjecture) The truth of the conclusion follows from the truth of the preceding statements. A sequence of statements (one after another) ending with a conclusion theorem. After a proof has been found for a given conjecture, it becomes a. We have established it is true, it is no longer something that we don"t know is true or not.

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