CS 0401 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Tab Key, Newline, Compiled Language

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The cpu executes a program by fetching the program instructions from memory. Why do we need to load programs into the primary memory (i. e. the. Ram) when we execute the programs? (i. e. why can"t we execute programs directly from the hard drive?) From a high level to a low level. Program instructions must be written in machine language. Java source code (i. e. a program written in java) Binary code (i. e. an executable file) executable form (e. g. machine code) A compiler is a program that translates source code into an. Source code is code written in a high-level language. Executable files can be directly executed by the machine. An interpreter is a program that interprets (i. e. translates then executes) source code. Translation can be done: directly to machine code to an intermediate code then to machine code. Contrast with compilation, where an executable file is produced by not run. Advantage: translates and executes in the same stage.

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