CS 0401 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Operating System, Application Software, Java Syntax
Document Summary
This is an intermediate course focusing on object-oriented. 0401 intermediate programming with java programming and other fundamental programming concepts utlizing the java programming language. Students are expected to have some previous programming experience prior to taking this course. offense, a student caught collaborating/cheating in any way will receive a zero for the exam/ assignment/lab in question. In the event of a second offense, the student will receive an f for the course and may be subject to stronger action. Note: submissions that are alike in a substantive way (not due to coincidence) will be considered to be cheating by all involved parties. Please protect yourselves by only storing your files in private directories, and by retrieving all printouts promptly: academic integrity policy (as quoted from the undergraduate. Bulletin): students have the responsibility to be honest and to conduct themselves in an ethical manner while pursuing academic studies.