BIO E105 Lecture Notes - Lecture 29: Population Ecology, Life Table, Ecological Study

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16 Dec 2020

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The number of individuals in populations change over space and time. **seasonal temperature variations is an abiotic factor affecting distribution and abundance of organisms. **cellular ecology not typically a recognized level of ecological study (organismal, Life tables summarize how likely it is that individuals of each age class in a population will survive and reproduce. The growth rate of a population can be calculated from life-table data or from the direct observation of changes in population size over time. Researchers observe a wide variety of patterns when they track changes in population size over time, ranging from growth rates that slow when populations are at high density, to regular cycles, to continued growth independent of population size. Data from population ecology studies help biologists evaluate prospects for endangered species and design effective management strategies, as well as to predict changes in human populations. *population density number of individuals per unit area.