General Education Culture and Belief 50 Lecture : CB50 10-9.docx

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Marshall plan gave funds to 17 western european countries. Attempts to broaden this program for european economic cooperation into a customs union, but there was some resistance from the british who feared a loss of sovereignty, a loss of british independence, their sublime isolation . Some disharmony between brits and french of how to distribute funds. Council of europe remained relatively weak, largely advisory role, could make recommendations but could not enforce them. Spaak was first president of council of europe, and he tried to promote greater integration. He was from belgium, and belgium was always between two great powers of the west, france and. Germany, so wanted to limit power of these two. Economic interdependency was already an established fact and therefore needed to take a political form. Schuman plan 1950 announced by french foreign minister schuman (he had also been.

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