General Education Culture and Belief 50 Lecture : CB50 9-23.docx
Document Summary
Divna ljubjevic traditional serbian chant and eastern orthodox melodies. We can distinguish cold war along three themes. Geopolitical stalemate setting two rival superpowers against each other. Ongoing contest between two rival political and economic systems. Democratic and capitalist vs democratic communist. (meaning of democratic should be distinguished, because very different conceptions of democracy in west, rivalry amongst parties competing in relatively open system of elections, massive funding for campaigns, etc. In east, defined unchallenged leadership of one party, the communist party, which claimed to be representative of interests of all working people, the proletariat. Ideological and symbolic conflict became so fraught with symbolic meaning that it took on a kind of quasi-religious character where people believed that morality of human life was at stake. This three-fold contest endured for a little over 40 years. It divided continental europe into 2 large components, western bloc and eastern bloc. The division of occupied germany set the stage for the cold war.