FRL 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Commerce Clause, In Personam, In Rem Jurisdiction

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Full faith and credit clause: for all civil matters, deeds, will, contracts, etc. established in other states will be honored in any other state. Commerce clause: the government is allowed to regulate all interstate commerce. This can be considered broad so they reworded it so the clause only applies for transportation and other interstate infrastructure based jobs. Two types of due process: substantive and procedural. While both procedural and substantive due processes both must be fundamentally fair, the difference between them lies how they view the infringement being presented. Procedural focuses on the fairness of the procedures in question while substantive focuses on the law; asking if the law was fair against the individual. Fundamental fairness is determined by the individual"s reasonable notice and opportunity to be heard by the government. Comparing and contrasting subject matter versus personal jurisdiction. Subject matter power of a court to render judgement against defendant depending on their authority.