PHIL 230 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Nominalism

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Forms and universals exist: can believe that without them believing theory of recollection. What makes true sentences such as this is the same as that : realism/universalism about sameness, plato"s views are a realist"s view. This is the same as that because they are both wooden: this is true in the fact that this and that share the same property. Being wooden is a general thing in the sense that it is shareable by more than one particular thing. What would some deny universals: the only things that exist are psychical objects. Universals aren"t physical so they don"t exist: is mysterious. Objects in time and space an connect with something that isn"t in time and space. Pure nominalism about sameness: only particulars exist, so there are no universals, this and that are the same in woodness is true in virtues of the word wooden being true of this and that.