HIST 1031 Lecture : 12.. The Unification of Germany and Race for Empire.docx

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13 Mar 2014

Document Summary

2/17/14: how germany emerges as a unified nation in 1871, prussia unifies the german nation, king fredrick william iii, limited liberties, introduced reform, censorship, educational reforms, rise in liberty, caf s were placed of political exchange, prussia built universities that were funded by the state, renaissance in german culture, universal elementary education, the grim brothers, german folklore, wanted german culture in universities. 1848 rebellions spread wanting to push away the old order: committed himself to unifying germany, north (prussia) vs. south (austria, divided by religion, most were lutheran, forced to call an election based on universal male suffrage, liberal nationalists believed, frankfurt assembly, new state should include austria vs. new state should be smaller, settled when austria withdrew, fredrick william did not want to rule with an assembly, frankfurt"s efforts failed, custom union, allowed economic expansion and growth, austria was not a member of the zollverein.

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