HIST 1031 Lecture : 10.. A Disunited Kingdom.docx
Document Summary
2/12/14: slideshow of different maps, 1534 map on vellum (which means on a cow ) not very accurate, satellite map, political map, wales, to the west of england, very mountainous, william the conqueror landed in england and moved quickly to whales, 1536 there was a union between whales and england, but the welsh held on to their language even to present day, never had cultural institutions like a university or library, official church was the anglican church, 19th century many people became methodists, castle at aberystwyth was the university and library, developed a strange relationship with london. Provided coal, iron, and steal: scotland, 1603 queen elizabeth died without an heir, succeeded by james i from scotland, he wanted a union, 1707 scottish parliament is abolished, scotland joined the united kingdom, scottish parliament members joined the british parliament, english people thought scottish were unorganized and primitive, scottish tended to be presbyterian, tension in scotland, glorious revolution.