HIST 1031 Lecture : "The French Revolution" Lecture

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30 Jan 2014

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This was because of the dysfunctional tax system: louis xiv had created this problem because he had built versailles and engaged in wars such as the american revolution, nobles recognized how in debt france was and said they wouldn"t pay any taxes unless there was a meeting of the estates general, meeting of the estates general, at versace, meet may 1789 and had not met since around 1641, at the elections they elect who will represent each group, argued about how many votes each estate should get. Images that depict the crisis at that time: political cartoon #1 18th century cartoon of the french peasant carrying a clergy and nobleman on his back, 18th century portrait of louis xvi, 18th century portrait of marie antoinette, double headed beast with louis xvi and marie antoinette"s heads, the tennis court oath painting by jacques louise david.

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