ECON1131 Lecture Notes - Bourgeoisie, Utopian Socialism, National Workshops
Document Summary
1848 rebellions break out across europe, sparked by the french revolution. Louis philippe is overthrown and there is a period of instability in france. The country is split between radical urban workers and more conservative rural workers. People tried to overthrow states that were part of the conservative order set up by the congress of. When france sneezes all of europe catches a cold. Mazzini a republican nationalist from italy, he is determined to rid italy of all foreign occupied forces and wants italy to emerge as a modern republic. Established young italy that aimed to free italy from foreign domination. 1848, italy rises up in rebellion starting in sicily and spreading north. Cavour made the kingdom of italy and created an army to fight against austria. He is the prime minister for the kingdom of sardinia for victor emmanuel ii. Napoleon agrees to help him, and france and italy defeat austria in just 2 battles.