MATH 1131 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Null Hypothesis, Statistical Hypothesis Testing, Statistical Parameter

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Sc/math 1131- lecture 10 hypothesis tests and linear correlation. This is the claim (about a population parameter) assumed to be true, that is believed to be true, or the hypothesis to be tested. Sometimes referred to as the no-change hypothesis, this claim usually represents the status quo or existing state. There is an implied inequality in h0; however, the null hypothesis is written in terms of a single value (with an equal sign), for example, = 5. This statement identifies other possible values of the population parameter, or simply, a possibility not included in the null hypothesis. Ha indicates the possible values of the parameter if h0 is false. Experiments are often designed to determine whether there is evidence in favor of ha. The alternative hypothesis represents change in the current standard or existing state. The test statistic is a rule, related to the null hypothesis, involving the information in a sample.