MATH 1019 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: First-Order Logic, Propositional Function, Contraposition

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Learning outcomes in preparation for test 1 on tuesday october 17. Convert between compound propositional statements and english sentences. Determine the truth values of compound propositional statements by constructing truth tables. Write the converse, contrapositive and inverse of any conditional statement. Apply your knowledge of truth values and translating english sentences to logic to solve consistent system specification problems. Determine whether a proposition is a tautology, contradiction or contingency and prove this using truth tables or logical equivalence. Prove that two compound propositions are logically equivalent. Determine the truth values of predicates, both propositional function values and quantified propositional functions. Determine the truth values of predicates with nested quantifiers. Translate between english sentences and predicate logic with nested quantifiers. Use rules of inference to construct valid arguments. Write a variety of different proofs, including direct and indirect proofs, like proof by contrapositive and contradiction, of implications and biconditional statements.