KINE 2475 Lecture Notes - Lecture 42: Thrombosis, Ovarian Cyst, Endometrial Cancer
Document Summary
Contraceptives: prevention of pregnancy by inhibiting sperm from reaching mature ovum or by preventing a fertilized ovum from implanting in endometrium. First day of menses is day 1- marks beginning of follicular phase. Ovulation occurs on day: after ovulation, luteal phase starts & lasts until beginning of next cycle, hypothalamus secrets gnrh, stimulate anterior pituitary to secret fsh & lh. Follicular phase: fsh levels increase to allow for follicular growth. Dominant follicles develop, increasing estradiol & progesterone--> negative feedback on secretion of gnrh & fsh: estrogen stops menstrual flow, thickens endometrial lining & produces thin, water cervical mucus. Lh surge stimulates follicular maturation & ovulation: conception most successful when sex is 2 days before ovulation to day of ovulation, after ovulation, the corpus luteum synthesizes estrogen & progesterone. If pregnant, chorionic gonadotrophic prevents regression of corpus leuteum --> stimulations production of estrogen & progesterone. If no pregnancy, corpus luteum degenerates, progesterone declines & menstruation occurs.