KINE 2475 Lecture Notes - Lecture 46: Fumaric Acid, Patient Education, Folic Acid
Document Summary
Use of an acei or arb in patients with diabetes, hypertension, and albuminuria: drug therapy problems to be resolved: (4 marks) Ii) goals of therapy (include: clinical parameter, desired value, timeframe): (3 marks) Iron statis tests (tstat & ferritin), hb concentrations, esa responsiveness. Measure hb conecntrations every 3 months in patients with ckd3-5nd: men: >130g/l ; women >12g/l. Not on dialysis trail of oral iron for 1-3 months. Selection of iron based on level of deficiency, prior oral iron therapy response, side effects or oral, compliance and cost: oral iron, esa. Iv iron: benefits: reducing blood transfusions, anemia related symptoms, harms: stroke, vascular access loss, hypertension. Indicated if hb cocnentrations are <100g/l and based on inadrquate response to iron therapy: used in ckd5d to avoid hb concentrations falling below 90g/l. so start esa therapy when hb between 90-100, blood transfusion. Anemia therapy is indicated if hb concentrations is <130g/l, tsat <20%. Iron therapy is indicated in ckd patients with anemia.