KINE 2475 Lecture Notes - Lecture 31: Overactive Bladder, Overflow Incontinence, Urinary Retention
Document Summary
Urine leakage: ui represents a spectrum of severity in terms of volume of leak & degree of bother. Symptoms: urodynamics is used to assess sui, sui with physical activity (exercise, coughing, sneezing). Little or no ui at night, will not awaken at night to void (nocturia), will not wet bed. Urine leakage is unpredictable, volume loss may be large. Patients wear protective wear, night & day: urinary frequency (>8 micturition/day), nocturia (>1 micturition/night) & enuresis is present, urodynamic studies to diagnose detrusor overactivity. Urinalysis and urine culture should be negative (rules out uti as cause of frequency: overflow incontinence may have lower abdominal fullness & obstructive urinary symptoms: straining to void, decreased force of urinary stream, interrupted stream, incomplete bladder emptying. Lower abdominal pain may be present: due to prostatic gland enlargement, bladder underactivity due to neurogenic disease, diabetes, post- operatively from pelvic surgery, signs include increased postvoid residual urine volume, assess postvoid residual urine by imaging.