KINE 2475 Lecture Notes - Lecture 25: Blood Pressure, Glycogen, Susceptible Individual

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Key concepts: defects in insulin secretion/sensitivity, elevated bg. Alters fat & protein metabolism: dm causes eye & kidney disease. Improve quality of life: glycemic control prevents microvascular complications (eg, neuropathy, retinopathy & nephropathy, metformin is drug of choice. Effective, low risk of hypoglycemia, positive impact on. Cv risk, low cost: type 2 requires combo therapy- oral, injected antihyperglycemics to achieve control, management of cv risk factors in dm to reduce events. Epidemiology: type 1: absolute insulin deficiency, 5-10% of all cases, autoimmune destruction of pancreatic b-cells, latent autoimmune diabetes of adults (lada) - poor response to oral agents, require insulin. Have hyperglycemia but only require insulin intermittently: type 2: varying degree of b-cell dysfunction + insulin resistance, 90-95% of all cases. Increases w/age, genetics play a role: gestational diabetes (gdm): women who develop diabetes during pregnancy, diseases injure pancreas: cystic fibrosis, pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer damage b- cells & impair insulin secretion, medications can impair insulin secretion, increase resistance.

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