KINE 2475 Lecture Notes - Lecture 24: Prolongation, Monoamine Oxidase, Cyp2D6
Document Summary
Therapeutic alternative appendix: list pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic options for the treatment of overactive bladder (oab) Pharmacologic options (therapeutic alternatives) non-pharmacologic options: antimuscarinic, behavioral therapy. Tolterodine: beta 3-agonist - mirabegron, combo therapy: mirabegron & solifenacin, botulinum toxin, tricyclic antidepressant. Limit fluid, caffeine & alcohol intake: compare the pharmacologic options with respect to efficacy, onset, safety & contraindications, drug interactions, convenience, and cost. Antimuscarinics and b3 agonist (mirabegron) are effective first-line therapies for oab. They have shown to reduce incontinent episodes by up to 50%. Festerodine is better at controlling symptoms like urgency, micturition, and incontinence episodes. Tolterodine long acting (la) and darifenacin are as effective as oxybutynin ir. Solifenacin has better efficacy at reducing incontinence episodes, urgency episodes and quality of life. Mirabegron has similar efficacy to antimuscarinics in reducing symptoms. Mirabegron effectively reduces number of incontinent and micturition episodes by less than one episode every 2 days.