CHEM 3050 Lecture Notes - Lecture 23: Oxidoreductase, Q Cycle, Succinic Acid

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CHEM 3050
Lecture 23
Complex 1: NADH Co-Q Oxidoreductase
- Electrons from FMN or NADH go through Fe-S
centres, and electrons transfer down to ubiquinol,
oxidizing it to ubiquinone
o Q (ubiquinol) has a series of isoprenoid units (R
group) and then the business end of the
molecule ; the molecule goes through the
membrane, because it is membrane bound and
in the bilayer of the internal membrane
Complex 2: Succinate Co-Q Oxidoreductase
- 2nd step in ox. Phosphorylation is 6th step in CAC
takes the succinate from the 6th step of the citric acid
o Does the same thing it does in the CAC, we’re
just talking about it twice
- The enzyme has membrane spanning helices, with a
business end
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