Sociology 1020 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Gemeinschaft And Gesellschaft, Structuration Theory, Consumerism

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Key idea: it concerns itself with theories about the social relations between individuals and groups of people within a particular society. Couple"s pretending to go to the movies* Every couple except 1 had the guy"s hand on top of the girls. To see the general in the particular : identify general patterns in the behaviour of particular individuals. *example: tina fontane (15 year old first nation girl)* 1 of 1200 first nation women that have been killed. Biography human agency (ability to act) - choose to do something or not: micro level (small picture, individual identity (made you who you are) Milieu gemeinschaft (tonnies) sense of belonging: mazo level, community, everyday circle where you move and interact, go about your daily ways. History society/structures (cant see these: macro level (big picture, history = society, the society at which you come, within any society you will see structures that make up the society.