Political Science 2231E Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: International Law Commission, United Nations General Assembly, Rome Statute Of The International Criminal Court

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The negotiation of the rome statute of the. Early discussions on the creation of an icc. 1872: gustav moynier - one of the founders of red cross- proposed for crimes of the. 1919: treaty of versailles envisaged an international court to try the kaiser and german. Post ww2: nuremberg and tokyo tribunals to try axis criminals. 1949: genocide convention called for criminals to be tried "by such international penal. International law commission (ilc) drafted a statute to create an international tribunals in. Cold war was divisive so they could only imagine tribunals to prosecute one side early 1950s but this was abandoned due to the cold war tribunals as may have jurisdiction" 1989: trinidad and tobago called for creation of icc; un general assembly asked that the. 1993: international criminal tribunal for former yugoslavia. Ilc resume its work on drafting a statute. Only looking at crimes for former yugoslavia. Creation of these 2 tribunals was crucial for creation of icc.