Political Science 2231E Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Intergovernmental Organization, Multilateralism, Free Trade

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We live in a international system where the key actors are nation states. International system is also defined by liberal world order. Nonaggression: abstaining from military force is a high priority of international relations. Free trade: countries benefit from trading with one another. Human rights: genocide in myanmar, public reaction indicates how serious the issue is. Multilateralism: refers to collective response to common problems (terrorism), most global problems cannot be addressed by any single government. Rule of international law: rules governments need to follow. Imf, wm, g-20 (group of most important economies) Created by state governments who are determining the rules (world bank) Transnational networks and movements -> networks of existing ngo. Example: china has a lot of influence in africa (basically own entire african countries) because they invest heavily in african countries so african governments do whatever china wants as no one else is investing in them.