Media, Information and Technoculture 1020E Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: A Tribe Called Red, Pow Wow, Stoicism

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Members - bear witness, dan general, and ian campeau - from first nations. Blends samples of traditional aboriginal powwow drumming and singing with electronic dance music. Collage creates powwow step or electric powwow . Three ways to thinks about media: cultural studies: media as texts. Whats stories do they tell, and who are these stories about: political economy: media as commodities. Are there alternatives to corporate media: technoculture: media as technology. We"re telling people that we"re not the stereotypes that you think we are. We"re not headdress-wearing, something-from-the-past, brave warriors types; we"re just dudes. I"m wearing a brooklyn nets hat and sweater. I"m not this idea of a brave, i"m not this idea of a mystic, i"m not something from the past that uses stone tools. Modern urban life: cities, skateboarding, trucks, tractors. Reference to residential schools, sixties scoop, continuity and future.