Computer Science 1033A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Tim Berners-Lee, Kerning, Cyan
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Multi-media: getting a message across using media, expressing what you want to say. Media and content that uses a combination of different content forms. Multimedia application: an application that can be used to present text, sound, video, images and animation. Computer based on multi media applications integrate the various media components and allow interactivity and hyper linking. Modes of delivery: world wide web, cd/dvd, handheld devices. Developmental systems: systems used by a multi media developer to create applications. User systems: systems used to play back/view/use the multimedia application. 1. ouser has control over the application oexperience is active rather than passive like tv. Hyper linking oindex allows for jumping sections oweb pages have hyperlinks to other web pages or other location on the same page. Contrast- avoid making 2 elements just similar, make them cohesive or very different. Repetition- repeat some aspect of the design throughout the entire design. Alignment- items are aligned creating a stronger cohesive unit.