Computer Science 1033A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Hypertext, Microsoft Frontpage, Tim Berners-Lee
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Ugly design: no color coninuity or white space. Scrolling horizontally to see whole page width. Decide on where you want the menu, in general it should go along the let side or at the top, Why: what will the navigaion structure look like, what will the pages be besides the home page, will there be submenus under the menus? (this will afect your folder layout) Think about the colours: make it about 1000 pixels wide, don"t make it too tall. A web site is a collecion of related web pages stored in a folder. The folder may or may not contain sub folder. The web site folder should contain a sub folder called images which holds the image iles (. jpg, . gif, etc) that will be displayed on the page. The home page for the website, the staring page should have the ile name index. html. Folder structure for simple site decide on the pages you will need.