Computer Science 1033A/B Lecture Notes - Search Engine Optimization, Tim Berners-Lee, Google Directory

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COMPSCI 1033A/B Full Course Notes
COMPSCI 1033A/B Full Course Notes
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What are the chunks of data sent over the internet called: packets. Valid ip address: 4 pieces under 250. Website tips: every page should link to home, have a menu on each page, compress images, no line of text more than 600 pixels wide, never underline words that aren"t links. Each web page is an html file that has the extension . html or . htm: files with html codes that is displayed in a browser, there are other possible extensions: . shtml (server side includes things before displaying page to client) . php, . asp. , cgi (other things brought in from the server, allows for the use of data in a database on the server, more complex form manipulation. Web site: a collection of related web pages stored in a folder (that may or may not contain a sub-folder) Images: in an images subfolder (all lowercase names: http://publish. uwo. ca/~userid. Upload using a secure ftp (file transfer protocol) winscp, fugu,

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