Business Administration 3301K Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Environmentalism, Cost Leadership, Product Stewardship

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Complaint: prices are too high due to high costs of distribution, advertising and promotion, and excessive mark-ups. Response: intermediaries are important and offer value, advertising informs buyers of availability and merits of a brand, consumer"s don"t understand the cost of doing business, deceptive practices. Deceptive price: legislation to protect from deceptive practices: competition act, guidelines to prevent greenwashing: competition bureau, industry self-regulation through: advertising standards canada, exaggerated claim, high pressure selling. If great marketing is synonymous with building long term relationships, isn"t this a pretty bad strategy: unsafe products. Another strategy that doesn"t lend itself to building those long term relationships: planned obsolescence. Can marketing be used to help with societal issue: seatbelt use, drunk driving. The organized movement of citizens and government agencies to improve the rights and power of buyers in relation to sellers. Starts in the early 1960"s and continues today.