PSYB30H3 Lecture Notes - Predictive Power, Ion

69 views5 pages
10 Jan 2012

Document Summary

Personality is not a readily defined concept. Personality is a construct, so you can only infer it from one"s behaviour. There is little common agreement among personality theorists on the appropriate use of the term. Noone can agree on the degrees of personality and how to measure it. A set of abstract concepts developed about a group of facts or events in order to explain. A theory of personality is an organized system of beliefs that helps us to understand. The study of personality is heir to two different approaches: academic psychology and. The role of personality in psychology clinical practice. Seek to be global and emphasize comprehension of the whole person. Result from specific research focused on limited aspects of human behaviour. A look at 1 or 2 pieces of personality or behaviour. As philosophers, personality theorists seek to explore what it means to be a person. Why are we here, what it means to be human.