PSYB10H3 Lecture Notes - Handicapping

33 views2 pages
24 Oct 2012

Document Summary

If u are conscious ur identity is unique and different from others. Self-awareness- the awareness of yourself as being a distinct object: awareness is tested by the rouge test or the mark test. If u touch urself then u kno are aware of your self as a distinct object but if u touch the mirror then you think its someone else: humans are aware after year 1, levels of self awareness. Minimal self- conscious experience of being distinct from environment. Double distinction is how humans achieve this (we can feel both our hand touching our arm and our arm being touched my our hand) Objectified self- others can think about me and we can think about ourselves. Symbolic self- can think of ourselves thru mental and symbolic representations. Self schema: cognitive representation of the self concept. Your description of yourself is determined by social roles and personality descriptors. How different the different aspects of the self concept is.