EESA10H3 Lecture : Lecture note 8

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19 Jul 2010

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Lecture 8 - foodborne hazards and human health. When we eat something and we get stomach pain and cramps, we usually say, it must be something i ate . There are two major forms of foodborne illnesses. First one is transmissible diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, and parasites (like worms, etc. ). The other group are called nontransmissible diseases (something that cannot be transmitted from person to person). Some of these diseases that will be discussed in this lecture are: shellfish-associated toxins (something that can cause poisoning), colour additives, bioengineered foods, These are some of the major ones, but not all are listed here. Cardiovascular diseases can also be associated with food. We are all aware that in canada, we have one of the safest food supplies in the world. However, every year significant number of people get sick as a result of the contaminated food. Some examples of food that could turn out to be the reason of poisoning include:

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