ECO373Y5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Technological Convergence

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22 Oct 2014

Document Summary

5 main trends dominating global media right now; they interlock with another: convergence. Process by which what used to be separate technologies (tv and telephones) are brought together by a common technological base. (e. g. smart phone, internet). Industrial level convergence bell canada enterprises is seen as industrial convergence. Changing how we interact with out environments: conglomeration. Process by which one company buys another company in the same field/industry. And also going through concentration fewer owners and more economic people characterizing the industry. Before global media was dominated by 24 in 90s, now we have 5 only. "corporate media"" we have mega media corporations globally. Can occur in 2 ways: horizontal when a firm in one line of media buys another media thats not related to that media business or they buy a non-media company. Example news company buying a radio station or internet company.