PSY 1101 Lecture 2: Chapter 1 Lecture Notes Combined with Reading Notes

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PSY 1101 Full Course Notes
PSY 1101 Full Course Notes
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A science and an extensive eld of research touching every aspect of human life. 4. illusory correlations- humans tend to perceive relations between things without there actually being a link. Perceiving order in random events-humans don"t like to be uncertain so we look for and create patterns even when there are none! Skepticism- asking smart questions, not believing everything blindly. Awareness- of own bias & try to eliminate them. What are the elements of the scientific attitude: curiosity, open-mindedness. 4: humility- accepting that we all make mistakes, cautiousness- with how we interpret our results. A self correcting way to ask questions and get natural answers. It explains behaviours & events by offering ideas or predictions in an organized and summarized way. Sleep deprived = x hours less than average person. It"s important that another researcher repeats a given study using different participants in different situations in order to see wether the given theory extends to other participants and/ or circumstances.