POL 1102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Arms Embargo, Arab Spring, 2010 Pakistan Floods

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47 members elected by the general assembly of the un. Security council cannot block decisions made by the un general assembly: regional representation. Africa & asia have the biggest blocks: universal periodic review (peer review) Process by which sates on the council must submit documents regarding human rights in their region: peer pressure. Office of the high commissioner for human rights: administrative support for council, research. Researches issues of human rights around the world: capacity-building. Trains officials from governments on human right policies and legislations that can better promote human rights in their region/country: complaints & special procedures. Special requests for the high commissioner"s office to look into and assist in improving human rights in a region. Office representative (rapporteur) travels to the country to assess the situation. They are rarely refused access; but they may not receive full cooperation. After their observations, they publish a report based on the actual situation.