ANAT 7390 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Chondroitin, Irregular Bone, Synovial Membrane

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A) Anatomical&Position&+&Directional&Terms&
! anatomical!position!=!feet,!face,!&!!palms!forward!
! directional!terms:!
o anterior!vs!posterior!
o proximal!vs!distal!
o etc.!see!Table!1.1!for!full!list.!
B) Skeletal&System:&Overview&
! know!if!the!bones!are!paired!
! 2!divisions:!
1) Axial!Skeleton!(80!bones)!
a) skull!
b) hyoid!bone!
c) vertebral!column!
d) thoracic!cage!
! sternum!+!ribs!!
2) Appendicular!Skeleton!(126!bones)!
! limbs!+!bones!that!attach!them!to!axial!skeleton!(girdles)!
a) pectoral!girdle!
b) pelvic!girdle!
c) upper!limb!(arm,!forearm,!+!hand)!
d) lower!limb!(thigh,!leg,!+!foot)!
! connections!between!bones!=!articulations!
o e.g.!the!humerus!articulates!with!the!scapula!
! names!of!common!bone!markings:!see!Table!6.1!
o these!terms!will!be!used!to!describe!specific!parts!of!bones,!but!their!definitions!will!not!
C) Axial&Skeleton&
1) Skull!
! 3!main!bone!groupings:!
a) cranium!–!8!bones!(next!to!brain)!
b) facial!bones!–!14!bones!
c) auditory!ossicles!–!6!(3!bones!on!each!side!in!the!middle!ears)!
! summary!of!bones!in!each!group:!
a) cranium!!
i. 1!frontal!(forehead)!
ii. 2!parietal!
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iii. 2!temporal!
iv. 1!sphenoid!
v. 1!ethmoid!–!forms!superior!+!middle!nasal!chonchae!
vi. 1!occipital!
b) facial!bones!!
i. 2!nasal!
ii. 2!maxillae!
iii. 2!zygomatic!
iv. 2!lacrimal!
v. 2!palatine!
! 2!palatine!+!2!maxillae!=!hard!palate!
vi. 2!inferior!nasal!chonchae!
vii. 1!vomer!
viii. 1!mandible!
c) auditory!ossicles!!
i. incus!
ii. malleus!
iii. stapes!
2) Hyoid!!Bone!
! no!articulations!(joints/connections!to!other!bones)!
! attaches!muscles!of!tongue!and!neck,!assists!in!swallowing!
3) Vertebral!Column!
! 26!vertebrae!
! separated!into!5!regions:!
a) cervical!(7)!
b) thoracic!(12)!
c) lumbar!(5)!
d) sacrum!(1)!
e) coccyx!(1)!
! typical!vertebral!structure:!
o body!–!thick!anterior!portion!
o spinous!process!(1)!–!median!posterior!projection!
o transverse!process!(2)!–!lateral!bony!projections!for!muscle!attachment!
o lamina!(2)!–!connects!the!two!processes!
o pedicle!(2)!–!connects!body!to!transverse!process!
o vertebral!foramen!–!hole!for!spinal!cord!
o superior!+!inferior!articular!facets!–!articulate!with!vertebrae!above!and!below!
o intervertebral!foramina!–!exit!for!spinal!nerves!
! characteristics!of!vertebrae!by!region:!!
a) cervical!(C1-C7)!!
! C1,!C2!=!atypical!
! C3-C7!=!typical!
! C1!=!atlas!
o no!body,!no!spinous!process!
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o articulates!with!occipital!condyle!of!skull!
¦ allows!nodding!(“yes”)!motion!
! C2!=!axis!!
o dens!(=!odontoid!process)!
o pivot!joint!around!which!atlas!swivels!
¦ allows!shaking!(“no”)!motion!
! C1-C7:!ALL!have!transverse!foramina!
b) thoracic!(T1-T12)!!
! ALL!articulate!with!ribs!via!costal!facets!
c) lumbar!(L1-L5)!!
! support!upper!body!weight!
! ALL!have!large!bodies!&!rectangular!spinous!processes!
d) sacrum!!
! =!5!fused!vertebrae!
! articulates!with!ilium!(appendicular!skeleton)!and!5th!lumbar!vertebra!(L5)!
e) coccyx!
! =!3-5!fused!vertebrae,!usually!4!
! =!tailbone!
! curvature!of!spinal!column:!!
a) cervical!+!lumbar!!
! curved!convex!anteriorly!=!concave!posteriorly!
b) thoracic!+!sacrum!
! curved!concave!anteriorly!=!convex!posteriorly!
! abnormal!curvature:!!
a) scoliosis!
! spinal!column!curves!laterally!
b) kyphosis!
! exaggerated!thoracic!curve!(hunchback)!
c) lordosis!!
! exaggerated!lumbar!curve!(swayback)!
4) Thoracic!Cage!
a) sternum!(breast!bone)!
! 3!parts:!
i. manubrium!–!superior!
ii. body!–!middle!
iii. xiphoid!process!–!inferior!!
b) ribs!
! 12!pairs!total!(articulate!posteriorly!with!T1-T12)!
o 7!pairs!=!true!ribs!
¦ attach!directly!to!sternum!via!costal!cartilage!(hyaline!cartilage)!
o 5!pairs!=!false!ribs!!
¦ attach!indirectly!to!sternum!via!costal!cartilage!(8-10)!or!not!all!=!
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Document Summary

Topic x: skeletal system: anatomical position + directional terms. Directional terms: anterior vs posterior, proximal vs distal, etc. see table 1. 1 for full list, skeletal system: overview. 2 divisions: axial skeleton (80 bones, skull, hyoid bone, vertebral column, thoracic cage. Sternum + ribs: appendicular skeleton (126 bones) limbs + bones that attach them to axial skeleton (girdles, pectoral girdle, pelvic girdle, upper limb (arm, forearm, + hand, lower limb (thigh, leg, + foot) Connections between bones = articulations: e. g. the humerus articulates with the scapula. Names of common bone markings: see table 6. 1: these terms will be used to describe specific parts of bones, but their definitions will not be tested, axial skeleton, skull. 3 main bone groupings: cranium 8 bones (next to brain, facial bones 14 bones, auditory ossicles 6 (3 bones on each side in the middle ears) Summary of bones in each group: cranium, 1 frontal (forehead, 2 parietal.

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