SOAN 2040 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Sensorium, Hijab, Intersectionality
Document Summary
Yearning to labour- underemployed youth in lemoges, france because the industrial revolution hit lemoges later main industries were porcelain manufacturing. About working class solidarity, and in present day lemoges has a reputation as a rough place with immigrants and lower i(cid:374)(cid:272)o(cid:373)e housi(cid:374)g. ho(cid:449) ra(cid:272)is(cid:373) a(cid:374)d (cid:448)ie(cid:449)s o(cid:374) (cid:272)lass effe(cid:272)t those people"s life. High tech and high heels- about employed people and what they think about their status as a worker. Visually in downwardly global the women were told not to eat any strong spices, wear bright colors, not to wear a hijab, as advice to get a job which is specific to them being muslim women. They are being told to scrub or erase any trace of their ethnicity to conform to job interviews. Downwardly global- immigrants persuaded to come to work because they are needed, though they cannot find jobs iro(cid:374)i(cid:272)all(cid:455).