CIS 2050 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Turing Test, Spoken Language, Traditional Animation

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Identify and describe some of the approaches used
in digital book and computer animation
Examine and evaluate the design and presentation
using multimedia techniques
Describe an interactive technique based on speech
recognition, its nature, and how it was developed
Learning Outcomes:
It may even appear in daily products in the
form of digital books and movies
It may use user interactivities such as speech
Despite the attractiveness and impact of
using multimedia, the key is still the
presentation of the intended message using
these media
Multimedia appeals to more of our senses than the
traditional computing
Computer animation is to take static objects
and give them "life" through their
movements and personality, and illusory
devices that take advantage of a sequence of
animated events
Multimedia computing not only involves
algorithms that connect and process different types
of data, but also involves the creative use of
technologies in delivering a "story"
Augmented reality combines the real world with
computer-generated virtual imagery of events
A speech sequence is often segmented and
its parts are then recognized into their
appropriate words using computer
There are still many difficulties in
recognizing human speech using the
computer, especially when the speech
consists of spoken works from people of
different cultures
The research on speech recognition was motivated
by the coding technology of speech signals
Key Points:
Insights gained from the speech recognition
advances over the past 40 years are
explored, originated from generations of
Carnegie Mellon University's R&D
Several major achievements over the years
have proven to work well in practice for
leading industry speech recognition systems
from Apple to Microsoft
It will help bridge the gap between
humans and machines
It will facilitate and enhance natural
conservation among people
6 challenges need to be addressed
before we can realize with audacious
Speech recognition will mass the Turing
Test and bring the vision of Star-Trek-like
mobile devices to reality
Key Insights:
In 1976, one of the authors (Reddy) wrote a
comprehensive review of the state of the art
of voice recognition at that time
With the introduction of Apple's Siri and similar
voice search services from Google and Microsoft,
it is natural to wonder why voice recognition
technology took so long to advance to this level
Reddy predicted it would be possible to a
build a $20,000 connected speech system
within the next 10 years in 1976
Although it took longer than projected, the
system costs were just less and continues to
drop dramatically
Speech recognition has been a staple in science
fiction for years, but in 1976 the real-world
capabilities bore little resemblance to the far-
fetched capabilities in the fictional realm
Although it was commercially
successful, the "speech in" and "screen
out" multimodal metaphor is more
natural for information consumption
In 1999 the VoiceXML forum was created
to support telephony IVR
Illustrated a vision on speech-enables
multimobile devices
In 2001, Bill Gates demonstrated such a
prototype codenamed MiPad at CES
The speech community is en route to
passing the Turing Test in the next 40
years with the ultimate goal to match
an exceed a human's speech
recognition capability for everyday
We are now witnessing the ever-improved
ability of devices to handle relatively
unrestricted multimodal dialogues
1995, Microsoft SAPI was first shipped in
Windows 95 to enable application developers to
create speech applications on Windows
Statistical modeling and machine learning
Training data and computing resources
Vocabulary size and dis-fluent speech
Speaker independent and adaptive speech
Efficient decoder
Spoken language and understanding
What we did not know how to do in 1976:
Six levels of knowledge:
In 1971, the speech recognition study group
recommended that many more sources of
knowledge be brought to bear on the problem
Understanding Research (SUR) project
Sphinx I/II
Developed sequence of speech recognition
Ex. Voice control of a robot, large-
vocabulary connected-speech
recognition, speaker-independent
speech recognition and unrestricted
vocabulary dictation
Created several historic demonstrations of
spoken language systems
Hearsay-I was one of the first systems
capable of continuous speech recognition
Dragon system was one of the first to model
speech as hidden stochastic process
Harpy system introduced concept of Beam
Search, which was the most widely used
technique for efficient searching and
matching for decades
*speech recognition word error
rate has been used as the main
metric to evaluate progress
Sphinx-II (1992) benefited largely
from tied parameters to balance
trainability and efficiency, which
achieved the highest recognition
accuracy in DARPA-funded speech
benchmark evaluation
Sphinx-I (1987) was first system to
demonstrate speaker-independent speech
The word error rate was approaching a new
milestone by both Microsoft and IBM
researchers following the deep learning
framework pioneered by researchers at the
University of Toronto and Microsoft
By 1976, Reddy was leading a group at Carnegie
Mellon University to explore ideas of Advanced
Research Project Agency (DARPA)-sponsored
Architecture of the Hearsay system was
designed so that many semiautonomous
modules can communicate and cooperate in
a speech recognition task while each
concentrated on its own area of expertise
The Dragon, Harpy and Sphinx systems all
were based on a single, relatively single
modeling principle of joint global
It was anticipated in the early 1970s that to bear
the higher-level sources of knowledge might
require significant breakthroughs in artificial
Decoding process in a speech recognizer's
operation is to find a sequence of words
whose corresponding acoustic and language
models best match the input vector sequence
= search process
Graph search algorithms, which have been
explored extensively in the fields of artificial
intelligence, operations research and game
theory, serve as the basic foundation for the
search problem in speech recognition
Decoding process of finding the best matched
work sequence to match input speech is more than
just a simple pattern recognition problem, since
one faces a practically astronomical number of
word patterns to search
The most salient difference is not algorithms
with a lower error rate, but rather an
emphasis on simplified algorithms with a
better cost-performance trade-off
Long term foal was the development of a
real-time, large-vocabulary, continuous-
speech dictation system
Development of technology for Dragon
NaturallySpeaking may be compared with the
general development
Phonetic matching and word
verification are unified with word
sequence generation that depends on
the highest overall rating typically
using a context-dependent phonetic
acoustic model
Ex. Explicit segmentation and labeling of
phonetic strings is no longer necessary
Establishment of the statistical machine-learning
framework, supported by the availability of
computing infrastructure and massive training
data, constitutes the most significant driving force
in advancing the development of speech
In non-probablistic models, there is an
estimated "distance" between sound labels
based on how similar to sounds are
estimated to be
In probability models, an estimate is used of
the conditional probability of observing a
particular sound label as the best matching
label, conditional on the correct label being
the hypothesized label (=confusion
Early methods aimed to find the closest matching
sound label from a discrete set of labels
Model process has a learning algorithm with
a broadly applicable convergence theorem =
Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm
Hidden Markov Model (HMM) -process that is
hidden not the model
DNN can replace the Gaussian
mixture model directly to overcome
the inefficiency in data representation
Significant development offered learned
feature representation with introduction of
deep neural networks (DNN)
Combination of HMM and DNN produced
significant error reduction
Before 2010, mixture of HMM-based Gaussian
densities were typically used
Markov process -probabilities of future events
will be independent of any additional information
about the past history of the process
Corpora have been created, annotated and
distributed to the world-wide community by
National Institute of Standard and
Technology (NIST), Linguistic Data
Consortium (LDC), European Language
Resources Association (ELRA), and others
Character of the recorded speech has
progressed from limited, constrained speech
materials to huge amounts of progressively
more realistic, spontaneous speech
Training data and computational resources;
Made it possible for speech recognition to
consume the significantly improved
computational infrastructure
Moore's Law: doubling the amount of computation
for a given cost every 12-18 months, as well as
comparably shrinking cost of memory
Made it possible to create a far more
powerful language model for voice
search applications
Both Google and Big indexed the entire
Cloud-based speech recognition made it even
more convenient to accumulate an even more
massive amount of speech
Magnitude as a function of frequency is
called the "spectrum" of the short window of
speech, and a sequence of such spectra over
time in a speech utterance can be visualized
as a spectrogram
Deep learning technology aims at
minimizing such information loss and
searching for more powerful, deep
learning-driven speech representations
from raw data
Modifications of spectrograms led to
significant improvements in the performance
of Gaussian mixture-based HMM systems
despite the loss of raw speech information
In 1976 acoustic features were typically a measure
of the magnitude at each set of frequencies for
each time window
Maximum size has increased significantly
Systems in 1990s tried to recognize every
word dictated and counted every words not
recognized as an error
It was important for the system to learn the
names and places that occurred repeatedly in
a particular user's dictation
Significant advances were made in statistic
learning techniques
Problem remains a challenge because
modeling new words is still far from
Vocabulary size:
There was still a significant gap in
performance between single-speaker,
speaker-dependent models and speaker-
independent models intended for a diverse
Key was to use more speech data from
a large number of speakers to train the
HMM-based system
Sphinx introduced a large vocabulary of
speaker-independent continuous speech
Adaptive learning is also applied to
accommodate speaker variations and a wide
range of variable conditions for the channel,
noise and domain
Effective adaptive technologies enable rapid
application integration and are a key to
successful commercial deployment of
speech recognition
Speaker independent and adaptive systems:
More important has been searchable unified
graph representations that allow multiple
sources of knowledge to be incorporated
into a common probablistic framework
Practical decoding algorithms made possible
large-scale continuous speech recognition
Multiple speech streams
Multiple probability estimators
Multiple recognition systems
Multiple pass systems with increased
Non-compositional methods include:
Decoding techniques:
User utters queries on flight
information in an unrestricted
free form
Ex. Air Travel Information System
SLY mostly relied on case grammars for
representing sets of semantic concepts
during 1970s
Number of techniques are used to fill frame
slots of the application domain from the
training data
Like acoustic and language modeling, deep
learning based on recurrent neural networks
can also significantly improve filling slots
for language understanding
Spoken language understanding (SLU):
There is no data like more data
Computing infrastructure
Unsupervised learning
Portability and generalizability
Dealing with uncertainties
Having Socrates' wisdom
Six Major Challenges:
In 1976 computation power available was
only adequate to perform speech recognition
on highly constrained tasks with low
branching factors (perplexity)
Thousands of processors and nearly
unlimited collective memory capacity
in the cloud
Power of these systems arises mainly
from their ability to collect, process
and learn from very large data sets
In 1976, faster computer available for
routine speech was a dedicated PDP-10 with
4MB memory
Algorithmic improvements have been
made (ex. Using distributed
algorithms for deep learning task)
Still difficult to dynamically adapt to
the speaker and environment, which
have the potential to reduce the error
rate by half
Social graph used for Web search
engines can be used to dramatically
reduce the needed search space
Mixed lingual speech makes the new
world problem more difficult
Multimodal interactive
metaphor will be a dominant
metaphor as illustrated by
MiPad demo and Apple's Siri-
like services
We are still missing human-like
clarification dialog for new
words previously unknown to
the system
Associated problem of error detection
and correction lead to difficult user
interface choices
Some systems require the use of
more powerful discrimination
Dynamic sparse data learning is
missing in most systems
Recognition of highly confusable
words is still a problem
Speech recognition will help
bridge the gap between us and
A powerful tool to facilitate and
enhance natural conservation
among people regardless of
barriers of location or language
Speech recognition in the next 40
years will pass the Turing test
Basic learning an decoding algorithms have
not changes substantially in the past 40 years
Read: Historical perspective of speech recognition
To animate means "to give life to"
In computer animation, animators use
software to draw, model and animate objects
and characters in vast digital landscapes
An animator's job is to take a static image or
object and literally bring it to life by giving it
movement and personality
The animator draws objects or
characters either by hand or with a
Then he positions his creations in key
frames, which form an outline of the
most important movements
This process is called tweening
Next, the computer uses mathematical
algorithms to fill in the "in-between"
Key framing and tweening are
traditional animation techniques that
can be done by hand, but are
accomplished much faster with a
Computer-assisted animation is typically
2D, like cartoons
This cannot be done with a pencil and
Key framing and tweening are still an
important function of computer-
generated animation, but there are
other techniques that don't relate to
traditional animation
Using mathematical algorithms,
animators can program objects to
adhere to (or break) physical laws like
gravity, mass and force
Or create tremendous herds and flocks
of creatures that appear to act
independently, yet collectively
With computer-generated animation,
instead of animating each hair on a
monster's head, the monster's fur is
designed to wave gently in the wind
and lay flat when wet
Computer-generated animation is 3D,
meaning that objects and characters are
modeled on a plane with a X, Y and Z axis
There are two basic kinds of computer animation:
computer-assisted and computer-generated
Animators at Disney revolutionized the
industry with innovations like the use of
sounds in animated short films and the
multi-plane camera stand that created the
parallax effect of background depth
Technology has been a long part of the animator's
Earliest films were scientific simulations
including "Flow of a Viscous Fluid" and
"Propagation of Shock Waves in a Solid
The roots of computer animation began with
computer graphics pioneers in the early 1960s
Utah Teapot -rendered 3D teapot that
signaled a turning point in the
photorealistic quality of 3D graphics
University of Utah was source of the earliest
important break through in 3D computer
graphics, like the hidden surface algorithm
that allows a computer to conceptualize 3D
Ed Catmull (University of Utah) was one of the
first to toy with computer animation as art,
beginning with a 3D rendering of his hand opening
and closing
More films in later 1970s and early 1980s
relied on computer graphics (CG) to create
primitive effects
"Tron" (1982) was ideal for showcasing
undeniably digital effects
"Jurassic Park" (1993) was first feature film
to integrate convincingly real, entirely
computer generated characters into a lice
action film
"Toy Story" (1995) from Pixar was first full-
length cartoon made entirely with computer-
generated 3D animation
In 1972, "Westworld" became first film to contain
computer-generated 2D graphics
Today, a standard desktop computer runs
5000x faster than those used by computer
graphics pioneers in 1960s
Cost of the basic technology for creating
computer animation has dropped from
$500,000 to less than $2,000
Increasing sophistication and realism of 3D
animation can be directly credited to an
exponential growth in computer processing power
Read: How computer animation works
create 3D world inside a computer
Can move a camera inside a 3D world to make
characters come to life
Moment in lighting where all the pieces
come together and the world comes to life
Can use light to help tell story, set mood,
guide the audience eye, make characters
stand out…etc
Can add or remove lighting to place it and create
shadows -balancing reality and artistry
Mimic physics of water, light,
movement…etc. but not constrained by it
Tether ourselves with science and the world we
know as a background -create something relatable
Ribbons of light
Movement of water
Fog beams
Can change colour to depict a mood
Create a believable world that the audience
can immerse themselves in
Ex. Finding Nemo
Ex. Light in Walle's "binoculars" to make it
more human-like with emotions
Can portray emotion with light
Interweaving of art and science
Watch: Magic ingredient that brings Pixar movies to life
Augmented reality is the welding of the real world
with computer-generated imagery
Latest technology
Willing enter fictional world
Must suspend our disbelief
Deliberately exploit the way the audience thinks
Defy logic
Watch: Magical tale (with augmented reality)
Explore solutions to solve the climate crisis
Could see pictures or videos on a map
Can include pictures, interactive images, and
videos that can be expanded
Ex. Blowing into mic to see windmill
Interactive infographics -can explore
Runs on ipad and iphone
"Our Choice" -first interactive digital book by Al
Watch: Next-generation digital book
Augmented reality (AR) is an enhanced
perception of a physical, real-world
environment such that some elements are
augmented and overlaid by computer-
generated sensory input, such as sounds,
images, video or computer vision
The perception may be in real time and may
involve human interactivity
Applications may include the Google glass,
realistic medical/military training, and
realistic entertainment
What is augmented reality, and some of its
potential uses?
Speech recognition is a collection of
computational techniques that aim at
recognizing or classifying natural human
Usually, it processes the speech signal as
data from its coding representation,
segments the code into components,
identifies the components in their context,
and classifies the components into
interpretable human words
Each step of the process can present some
difficulties due to possible ambiguity,
uncertainty of the true nature, or confusion
between potential words
What is speech recognition and briefly discuss
some of the challenges in its development?
Tweening -technique usually using
computing to generate frames to fill in the
content between two key frames in
Key frame -frame used as a reference point
in computer algorithm for smooth transition
Kinematics -study of methods in
manipulating motion of an object, usually
using a 3D model without considering the
cause of the motion
Briefly define these terms in animation:3.
Multimedia Computing
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Identify and describe some of the approaches used
in digital book and computer animation
Examine and evaluate the design and presentation
using multimedia techniques
Describe an interactive technique based on speech
recognition, its nature, and how it was developed
Learning Outcomes:
It may even appear in daily products in the
form of digital books and movies
It may use user interactivities such as speech
Despite the attractiveness and impact of
using multimedia, the key is still the
presentation of the intended message using
these media
Multimedia appeals to more of our senses than the
traditional computing
Computer animation is to take static objects
and give them "life" through their
movements and personality, and illusory
devices that take advantage of a sequence of
animated events
Multimedia computing not only involves
algorithms that connect and process different types
of data, but also involves the creative use of
technologies in delivering a "story"
Computer animation may involve many
steps, using techniques from modeling to
specific rendering
Augmented reality combines the real world with
computer-generated virtual imagery of events
A speech sequence is often segmented and
its parts are then recognized into their
appropriate words using computer
The research on speech recognition was motivated
by the coding technology of speech signals
Key Points:
Insights gained from the speech recognition
advances over the past 40 years are
explored, originated from generations of
Carnegie Mellon University's R&D
Several major achievements over the years
have proven to work well in practice for
leading industry speech recognition systems
from Apple to Microsoft
It will help bridge the gap between
humans and machines
It will facilitate and enhance natural
conservation among people
6 challenges need to be addressed
before we can realize with audacious
Key Insights:
In 1976, one of the authors (Reddy) wrote a
comprehensive review of the state of the art
of voice recognition at that time
With the introduction of Apple's Siri and similar
voice search services from Google and Microsoft,
it is natural to wonder why voice recognition
technology took so long to advance to this level
Although it took longer than projected, the
system costs were just less and continues to
drop dramatically
Speech recognition has been a staple in science
fiction for years, but in 1976 the real-world
capabilities bore little resemblance to the far-
fetched capabilities in the fictional realm
Although it was commercially
successful, the "speech in" and "screen
out" multimodal metaphor is more
natural for information consumption
In 1999 the VoiceXML forum was created
to support telephony IVR
Illustrated a vision on speech-enables
multimobile devices
In 2001, Bill Gates demonstrated such a
prototype codenamed MiPad at CES
The speech community is en route to
passing the Turing Test in the next 40
years with the ultimate goal to match
an exceed a human's speech
recognition capability for everyday
We are now witnessing the ever-improved
ability of devices to handle relatively
unrestricted multimodal dialogues
1995, Microsoft SAPI was first shipped in
Windows 95 to enable application developers to
create speech applications on Windows
Statistical modeling and machine learning
Training data and computing resources
Vocabulary size and dis-fluent speech
Speaker independent and adaptive speech
Efficient decoder
Spoken language and understanding
What we did not know how to do in 1976:
Six levels of knowledge:
In 1971, the speech recognition study group
recommended that many more sources of
knowledge be brought to bear on the problem
Understanding Research (SUR) project
Sphinx I/II
Developed sequence of speech recognition
Ex. Voice control of a robot, large-
vocabulary connected-speech
recognition, speaker-independent
speech recognition and unrestricted
vocabulary dictation
Created several historic demonstrations of
spoken language systems
Hearsay-I was one of the first systems
capable of continuous speech recognition
Dragon system was one of the first to model
speech as hidden stochastic process
Harpy system introduced concept of Beam
Search, which was the most widely used
technique for efficient searching and
matching for decades
*speech recognition word error
rate has been used as the main
metric to evaluate progress
Sphinx-II (1992) benefited largely
from tied parameters to balance
trainability and efficiency, which
achieved the highest recognition
accuracy in DARPA-funded speech
benchmark evaluation
Sphinx-I (1987) was first system to
demonstrate speaker-independent speech
The word error rate was approaching a new
milestone by both Microsoft and IBM
researchers following the deep learning
framework pioneered by researchers at the
University of Toronto and Microsoft
By 1976, Reddy was leading a group at Carnegie
Mellon University to explore ideas of Advanced
Research Project Agency (DARPA)-sponsored
Architecture of the Hearsay system was
designed so that many semiautonomous
modules can communicate and cooperate in
a speech recognition task while each
concentrated on its own area of expertise
The Dragon, Harpy and Sphinx systems all
were based on a single, relatively single
modeling principle of joint global
It was anticipated in the early 1970s that to bear
the higher-level sources of knowledge might
require significant breakthroughs in artificial
Decoding process in a speech recognizer's
operation is to find a sequence of words
whose corresponding acoustic and language
models best match the input vector sequence
= search process
Graph search algorithms, which have been
explored extensively in the fields of artificial
intelligence, operations research and game
theory, serve as the basic foundation for the
search problem in speech recognition
Decoding process of finding the best matched
work sequence to match input speech is more than
just a simple pattern recognition problem, since
one faces a practically astronomical number of
word patterns to search
The most salient difference is not algorithms
with a lower error rate, but rather an
emphasis on simplified algorithms with a
better cost-performance trade-off
Long term foal was the development of a
real-time, large-vocabulary, continuous-
speech dictation system
Development of technology for Dragon
NaturallySpeaking may be compared with the
general development
Phonetic matching and word
verification are unified with word
sequence generation that depends on
the highest overall rating typically
using a context-dependent phonetic
acoustic model
Ex. Explicit segmentation and labeling of
phonetic strings is no longer necessary
Establishment of the statistical machine-learning
framework, supported by the availability of
computing infrastructure and massive training
data, constitutes the most significant driving force
in advancing the development of speech
In non-probablistic models, there is an
estimated "distance" between sound labels
based on how similar to sounds are
estimated to be
In probability models, an estimate is used of
the conditional probability of observing a
particular sound label as the best matching
label, conditional on the correct label being
the hypothesized label (=confusion
Early methods aimed to find the closest matching
sound label from a discrete set of labels
Model process has a learning algorithm with
a broadly applicable convergence theorem =
Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm
Hidden Markov Model (HMM) -process that is
hidden not the model
DNN can replace the Gaussian
mixture model directly to overcome
the inefficiency in data representation
Significant development offered learned
feature representation with introduction of
deep neural networks (DNN)
Combination of HMM and DNN produced
significant error reduction
Before 2010, mixture of HMM-based Gaussian
densities were typically used
Markov process -probabilities of future events
will be independent of any additional information
about the past history of the process
Corpora have been created, annotated and
distributed to the world-wide community by
National Institute of Standard and
Technology (NIST), Linguistic Data
Consortium (LDC), European Language
Resources Association (ELRA), and others
Character of the recorded speech has
progressed from limited, constrained speech
materials to huge amounts of progressively
more realistic, spontaneous speech
Training data and computational resources;
Made it possible for speech recognition to
consume the significantly improved
computational infrastructure
Moore's Law: doubling the amount of computation
for a given cost every 12-18 months, as well as
comparably shrinking cost of memory
Made it possible to create a far more
powerful language model for voice
search applications
Both Google and Big indexed the entire
Cloud-based speech recognition made it even
more convenient to accumulate an even more
massive amount of speech
Magnitude as a function of frequency is
called the "spectrum" of the short window of
speech, and a sequence of such spectra over
time in a speech utterance can be visualized
as a spectrogram
Deep learning technology aims at
minimizing such information loss and
searching for more powerful, deep
learning-driven speech representations
from raw data
Modifications of spectrograms led to
significant improvements in the performance
of Gaussian mixture-based HMM systems
despite the loss of raw speech information
In 1976 acoustic features were typically a measure
of the magnitude at each set of frequencies for
each time window
Maximum size has increased significantly
Systems in 1990s tried to recognize every
word dictated and counted every words not
recognized as an error
It was important for the system to learn the
names and places that occurred repeatedly in
a particular user's dictation
Significant advances were made in statistic
learning techniques
Problem remains a challenge because
modeling new words is still far from
Vocabulary size:
There was still a significant gap in
performance between single-speaker,
speaker-dependent models and speaker-
independent models intended for a diverse
Key was to use more speech data from
a large number of speakers to train the
HMM-based system
Sphinx introduced a large vocabulary of
speaker-independent continuous speech
Adaptive learning is also applied to
accommodate speaker variations and a wide
range of variable conditions for the channel,
noise and domain
Effective adaptive technologies enable rapid
application integration and are a key to
successful commercial deployment of
speech recognition
Speaker independent and adaptive systems:
More important has been searchable unified
graph representations that allow multiple
sources of knowledge to be incorporated
into a common probablistic framework
Practical decoding algorithms made possible
large-scale continuous speech recognition
Multiple speech streams
Multiple probability estimators
Multiple recognition systems
Multiple pass systems with increased
Non-compositional methods include:
Decoding techniques:
User utters queries on flight
information in an unrestricted
free form
Ex. Air Travel Information System
SLY mostly relied on case grammars for
representing sets of semantic concepts
during 1970s
Number of techniques are used to fill frame
slots of the application domain from the
training data
Like acoustic and language modeling, deep
learning based on recurrent neural networks
can also significantly improve filling slots
for language understanding
Spoken language understanding (SLU):
There is no data like more data
Computing infrastructure
Unsupervised learning
Portability and generalizability
Dealing with uncertainties
Having Socrates' wisdom
Six Major Challenges:
In 1976 computation power available was
only adequate to perform speech recognition
on highly constrained tasks with low
branching factors (perplexity)
Thousands of processors and nearly
unlimited collective memory capacity
in the cloud
Power of these systems arises mainly
from their ability to collect, process
and learn from very large data sets
In 1976, faster computer available for
routine speech was a dedicated PDP-10 with
4MB memory
Algorithmic improvements have been
made (ex. Using distributed
algorithms for deep learning task)
Still difficult to dynamically adapt to
the speaker and environment, which
have the potential to reduce the error
rate by half
Social graph used for Web search
engines can be used to dramatically
reduce the needed search space
Mixed lingual speech makes the new
world problem more difficult
Multimodal interactive
metaphor will be a dominant
metaphor as illustrated by
MiPad demo and Apple's Siri-
like services
We are still missing human-like
clarification dialog for new
words previously unknown to
the system
Associated problem of error detection
and correction lead to difficult user
interface choices
Some systems require the use of
more powerful discrimination
Dynamic sparse data learning is
missing in most systems
Recognition of highly confusable
words is still a problem
Speech recognition will help
bridge the gap between us and
A powerful tool to facilitate and
enhance natural conservation
among people regardless of
barriers of location or language
Speech recognition in the next 40
years will pass the Turing test
Basic learning an decoding algorithms have
not changes substantially in the past 40 years
Read: Historical perspective of speech recognition
To animate means "to give life to"
In computer animation, animators use
software to draw, model and animate objects
and characters in vast digital landscapes
An animator's job is to take a static image or
object and literally bring it to life by giving it
movement and personality
The animator draws objects or
characters either by hand or with a
Then he positions his creations in key
frames, which form an outline of the
most important movements
This process is called tweening
Next, the computer uses mathematical
algorithms to fill in the "in-between"
Key framing and tweening are
traditional animation techniques that
can be done by hand, but are
accomplished much faster with a
Computer-assisted animation is typically
2D, like cartoons
This cannot be done with a pencil and
Key framing and tweening are still an
important function of computer-
generated animation, but there are
other techniques that don't relate to
traditional animation
Using mathematical algorithms,
animators can program objects to
adhere to (or break) physical laws like
gravity, mass and force
Or create tremendous herds and flocks
of creatures that appear to act
independently, yet collectively
With computer-generated animation,
instead of animating each hair on a
monster's head, the monster's fur is
designed to wave gently in the wind
and lay flat when wet
Computer-generated animation is 3D,
meaning that objects and characters are
modeled on a plane with a X, Y and Z axis
There are two basic kinds of computer animation:
computer-assisted and computer-generated
Animators at Disney revolutionized the
industry with innovations like the use of
sounds in animated short films and the
multi-plane camera stand that created the
parallax effect of background depth
Technology has been a long part of the animator's
Earliest films were scientific simulations
including "Flow of a Viscous Fluid" and
"Propagation of Shock Waves in a Solid
The roots of computer animation began with
computer graphics pioneers in the early 1960s
Utah Teapot -rendered 3D teapot that
signaled a turning point in the
photorealistic quality of 3D graphics
University of Utah was source of the earliest
important break through in 3D computer
graphics, like the hidden surface algorithm
that allows a computer to conceptualize 3D
Ed Catmull (University of Utah) was one of the
first to toy with computer animation as art,
beginning with a 3D rendering of his hand opening
and closing
More films in later 1970s and early 1980s
relied on computer graphics (CG) to create
primitive effects
"Tron" (1982) was ideal for showcasing
undeniably digital effects
"Jurassic Park" (1993) was first feature film
to integrate convincingly real, entirely
computer generated characters into a lice
action film
"Toy Story" (1995) from Pixar was first full-
length cartoon made entirely with computer-
generated 3D animation
In 1972, "Westworld" became first film to contain
computer-generated 2D graphics
Today, a standard desktop computer runs
5000x faster than those used by computer
graphics pioneers in 1960s
Cost of the basic technology for creating
computer animation has dropped from
$500,000 to less than $2,000
Increasing sophistication and realism of 3D
animation can be directly credited to an
exponential growth in computer processing power
Read: How computer animation works
create 3D world inside a computer
Can move a camera inside a 3D world to make
characters come to life
Moment in lighting where all the pieces
come together and the world comes to life
Can use light to help tell story, set mood,
guide the audience eye, make characters
stand out…etc
Can add or remove lighting to place it and create
shadows -balancing reality and artistry
Mimic physics of water, light,
movement…etc. but not constrained by it
Tether ourselves with science and the world we
know as a background -create something relatable
Ribbons of light
Movement of water
Fog beams
Can change colour to depict a mood
Create a believable world that the audience
can immerse themselves in
Ex. Finding Nemo
Ex. Light in Walle's "binoculars" to make it
more human-like with emotions
Can portray emotion with light
Interweaving of art and science
Watch: Magic ingredient that brings Pixar movies to life
Augmented reality is the welding of the real world
with computer-generated imagery
Latest technology
Willing enter fictional world
Must suspend our disbelief
Deliberately exploit the way the audience thinks
Defy logic
Watch: Magical tale (with augmented reality)
Explore solutions to solve the climate crisis
Could see pictures or videos on a map
Can include pictures, interactive images, and
videos that can be expanded
Ex. Blowing into mic to see windmill
Interactive infographics -can explore
Runs on ipad and iphone
"Our Choice" -first interactive digital book by Al
Watch: Next-generation digital book
Augmented reality (AR) is an enhanced
perception of a physical, real-world
environment such that some elements are
augmented and overlaid by computer-
generated sensory input, such as sounds,
images, video or computer vision
The perception may be in real time and may
involve human interactivity
Applications may include the Google glass,
realistic medical/military training, and
realistic entertainment
What is augmented reality, and some of its
potential uses?
Speech recognition is a collection of
computational techniques that aim at
recognizing or classifying natural human
Usually, it processes the speech signal as
data from its coding representation,
segments the code into components,
identifies the components in their context,
and classifies the components into
interpretable human words
Each step of the process can present some
difficulties due to possible ambiguity,
uncertainty of the true nature, or confusion
between potential words
What is speech recognition and briefly discuss
some of the challenges in its development?
Tweening -technique usually using
computing to generate frames to fill in the
content between two key frames in
Key frame -frame used as a reference point
in computer algorithm for smooth transition
Kinematics -study of methods in
manipulating motion of an object, usually
using a 3D model without considering the
cause of the motion
Briefly define these terms in animation:3.
Multimedia Computing
Friday,*March*9,*2018 2:24*PM
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Identify and describe some of the approaches used
in digital book and computer animation
Examine and evaluate the design and presentation
using multimedia techniques
Describe an interactive technique based on speech
recognition, its nature, and how it was developed
Learning Outcomes:
It may even appear in daily products in the
form of digital books and movies
It may use user interactivities such as speech
Despite the attractiveness and impact of
using multimedia, the key is still the
presentation of the intended message using
these media
Multimedia appeals to more of our senses than the
traditional computing
Computer animation is to take static objects
and give them "life" through their
movements and personality, and illusory
devices that take advantage of a sequence of
animated events
Multimedia computing not only involves
algorithms that connect and process different types
of data, but also involves the creative use of
technologies in delivering a "story"
Computer animation may involve many
steps, using techniques from modeling to
specific rendering
Augmented reality combines the real world with
computer-generated virtual imagery of events
A speech sequence is often segmented and
its parts are then recognized into their
appropriate words using computer
There are still many difficulties in
recognizing human speech using the
computer, especially when the speech
consists of spoken works from people of
different cultures
The research on speech recognition was motivated
by the coding technology of speech signals
Key Points:
Insights gained from the speech recognition
advances over the past 40 years are
explored, originated from generations of
Carnegie Mellon University's R&D
Several major achievements over the years
have proven to work well in practice for
leading industry speech recognition systems
from Apple to Microsoft
It will help bridge the gap between
humans and machines
It will facilitate and enhance natural
conservation among people
6 challenges need to be addressed
before we can realize with audacious
Speech recognition will mass the Turing
Test and bring the vision of Star-Trek-like
mobile devices to reality
Key Insights:
In 1976, one of the authors (Reddy) wrote a
comprehensive review of the state of the art
of voice recognition at that time
With the introduction of Apple's Siri and similar
voice search services from Google and Microsoft,
it is natural to wonder why voice recognition
technology took so long to advance to this level
Reddy predicted it would be possible to a
build a $20,000 connected speech system
Although it took longer than projected, the
system costs were just less and continues to
drop dramatically
Speech recognition has been a staple in science
fiction for years, but in 1976 the real-world
capabilities bore little resemblance to the far-
fetched capabilities in the fictional realm
Although it was commercially
successful, the "speech in" and "screen
out" multimodal metaphor is more
natural for information consumption
In 1999 the VoiceXML forum was created
to support telephony IVR
Illustrated a vision on speech-enables
multimobile devices
The speech community is en route to
passing the Turing Test in the next 40
years with the ultimate goal to match
an exceed a human's speech
recognition capability for everyday
1995, Microsoft SAPI was first shipped in
Windows 95 to enable application developers to
create speech applications on Windows
Efficient decoder
What we did not know how to do in 1976:
Six levels of knowledge:
In 1971, the speech recognition study group
recommended that many more sources of
knowledge be brought to bear on the problem
Understanding Research (SUR) project
Sphinx I/II
Developed sequence of speech recognition
Ex. Voice control of a robot, large-
vocabulary connected-speech
recognition, speaker-independent
speech recognition and unrestricted
vocabulary dictation
Created several historic demonstrations of
spoken language systems
Hearsay-I was one of the first systems
capable of continuous speech recognition
Dragon system was one of the first to model
speech as hidden stochastic process
Harpy system introduced concept of Beam
Search, which was the most widely used
technique for efficient searching and
matching for decades
*speech recognition word error
rate has been used as the main
metric to evaluate progress
Sphinx-II (1992) benefited largely
from tied parameters to balance
trainability and efficiency, which
achieved the highest recognition
accuracy in DARPA-funded speech
benchmark evaluation
Sphinx-I (1987) was first system to
demonstrate speaker-independent speech
The word error rate was approaching a new
milestone by both Microsoft and IBM
researchers following the deep learning
framework pioneered by researchers at the
University of Toronto and Microsoft
By 1976, Reddy was leading a group at Carnegie
Mellon University to explore ideas of Advanced
Research Project Agency (DARPA)-sponsored
Architecture of the Hearsay system was
designed so that many semiautonomous
modules can communicate and cooperate in
a speech recognition task while each
concentrated on its own area of expertise
The Dragon, Harpy and Sphinx systems all
were based on a single, relatively single
modeling principle of joint global
It was anticipated in the early 1970s that to bear
the higher-level sources of knowledge might
require significant breakthroughs in artificial
Decoding process in a speech recognizer's
operation is to find a sequence of words
whose corresponding acoustic and language
models best match the input vector sequence
= search process
Graph search algorithms, which have been
explored extensively in the fields of artificial
intelligence, operations research and game
theory, serve as the basic foundation for the
search problem in speech recognition
Decoding process of finding the best matched
work sequence to match input speech is more than
just a simple pattern recognition problem, since
one faces a practically astronomical number of
word patterns to search
The most salient difference is not algorithms
with a lower error rate, but rather an
emphasis on simplified algorithms with a
better cost-performance trade-off
Long term foal was the development of a
real-time, large-vocabulary, continuous-
speech dictation system
Development of technology for Dragon
NaturallySpeaking may be compared with the
general development
Phonetic matching and word
verification are unified with word
sequence generation that depends on
the highest overall rating typically
using a context-dependent phonetic
acoustic model
Ex. Explicit segmentation and labeling of
phonetic strings is no longer necessary
Establishment of the statistical machine-learning
framework, supported by the availability of
computing infrastructure and massive training
data, constitutes the most significant driving force
in advancing the development of speech
In non-probablistic models, there is an
estimated "distance" between sound labels
based on how similar to sounds are
estimated to be
In probability models, an estimate is used of
the conditional probability of observing a
particular sound label as the best matching
label, conditional on the correct label being
the hypothesized label (=confusion
Early methods aimed to find the closest matching
sound label from a discrete set of labels
Model process has a learning algorithm with
a broadly applicable convergence theorem =
Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm
Hidden Markov Model (HMM) -process that is
hidden not the model
DNN can replace the Gaussian
mixture model directly to overcome
the inefficiency in data representation
Significant development offered learned
feature representation with introduction of
deep neural networks (DNN)
Combination of HMM and DNN produced
significant error reduction
Before 2010, mixture of HMM-based Gaussian
densities were typically used
Markov process -probabilities of future events
will be independent of any additional information
about the past history of the process
Corpora have been created, annotated and
distributed to the world-wide community by
National Institute of Standard and
Technology (NIST), Linguistic Data
Consortium (LDC), European Language
Resources Association (ELRA), and others
Character of the recorded speech has
progressed from limited, constrained speech
materials to huge amounts of progressively
more realistic, spontaneous speech
Training data and computational resources;
Made it possible for speech recognition to
consume the significantly improved
computational infrastructure
Moore's Law: doubling the amount of computation
for a given cost every 12-18 months, as well as
comparably shrinking cost of memory
Made it possible to create a far more
powerful language model for voice
search applications
Both Google and Big indexed the entire
Cloud-based speech recognition made it even
more convenient to accumulate an even more
massive amount of speech
Magnitude as a function of frequency is
called the "spectrum" of the short window of
speech, and a sequence of such spectra over
time in a speech utterance can be visualized
as a spectrogram
Deep learning technology aims at
minimizing such information loss and
searching for more powerful, deep
learning-driven speech representations
from raw data
Modifications of spectrograms led to
significant improvements in the performance
of Gaussian mixture-based HMM systems
despite the loss of raw speech information
In 1976 acoustic features were typically a measure
of the magnitude at each set of frequencies for
each time window
Maximum size has increased significantly
Systems in 1990s tried to recognize every
word dictated and counted every words not
recognized as an error
It was important for the system to learn the
names and places that occurred repeatedly in
a particular user's dictation
Significant advances were made in statistic
learning techniques
Problem remains a challenge because
modeling new words is still far from
Vocabulary size:
There was still a significant gap in
performance between single-speaker,
speaker-dependent models and speaker-
independent models intended for a diverse
Key was to use more speech data from
a large number of speakers to train the
HMM-based system
Sphinx introduced a large vocabulary of
speaker-independent continuous speech
Adaptive learning is also applied to
accommodate speaker variations and a wide
range of variable conditions for the channel,
noise and domain
Effective adaptive technologies enable rapid
application integration and are a key to
successful commercial deployment of
speech recognition
Speaker independent and adaptive systems:
More important has been searchable unified
graph representations that allow multiple
sources of knowledge to be incorporated
into a common probablistic framework
Practical decoding algorithms made possible
large-scale continuous speech recognition
Multiple speech streams
Multiple probability estimators
Multiple recognition systems
Multiple pass systems with increased
Non-compositional methods include:
Decoding techniques:
User utters queries on flight
information in an unrestricted
free form
Ex. Air Travel Information System
SLY mostly relied on case grammars for
representing sets of semantic concepts
during 1970s
Number of techniques are used to fill frame
slots of the application domain from the
training data
Like acoustic and language modeling, deep
learning based on recurrent neural networks
can also significantly improve filling slots
for language understanding
Spoken language understanding (SLU):
There is no data like more data
Computing infrastructure
Unsupervised learning
Portability and generalizability
Dealing with uncertainties
Having Socrates' wisdom
Six Major Challenges:
In 1976 computation power available was
only adequate to perform speech recognition
on highly constrained tasks with low
branching factors (perplexity)
Thousands of processors and nearly
unlimited collective memory capacity
in the cloud
Power of these systems arises mainly
from their ability to collect, process
and learn from very large data sets
In 1976, faster computer available for
routine speech was a dedicated PDP-10 with
4MB memory
Algorithmic improvements have been
made (ex. Using distributed
algorithms for deep learning task)
Still difficult to dynamically adapt to
the speaker and environment, which
have the potential to reduce the error
rate by half
Social graph used for Web search
engines can be used to dramatically
reduce the needed search space
Mixed lingual speech makes the new
world problem more difficult
Multimodal interactive
metaphor will be a dominant
metaphor as illustrated by
MiPad demo and Apple's Siri-
like services
We are still missing human-like
clarification dialog for new
words previously unknown to
the system
Associated problem of error detection
and correction lead to difficult user
interface choices
Some systems require the use of
more powerful discrimination
Dynamic sparse data learning is
missing in most systems
Recognition of highly confusable
words is still a problem
Speech recognition will help
bridge the gap between us and
A powerful tool to facilitate and
enhance natural conservation
among people regardless of
barriers of location or language
Speech recognition in the next 40
years will pass the Turing test
Basic learning an decoding algorithms have
not changes substantially in the past 40 years
Read: Historical perspective of speech recognition
To animate means "to give life to"
In computer animation, animators use
software to draw, model and animate objects
and characters in vast digital landscapes
An animator's job is to take a static image or
object and literally bring it to life by giving it
movement and personality
The animator draws objects or
characters either by hand or with a
Then he positions his creations in key
frames, which form an outline of the
most important movements
This process is called tweening
Next, the computer uses mathematical
algorithms to fill in the "in-between"
Key framing and tweening are
traditional animation techniques that
can be done by hand, but are
accomplished much faster with a
Computer-assisted animation is typically
2D, like cartoons
This cannot be done with a pencil and
Key framing and tweening are still an
important function of computer-
generated animation, but there are
other techniques that don't relate to
traditional animation
Using mathematical algorithms,
animators can program objects to
adhere to (or break) physical laws like
gravity, mass and force
Or create tremendous herds and flocks
of creatures that appear to act
independently, yet collectively
With computer-generated animation,
instead of animating each hair on a
monster's head, the monster's fur is
designed to wave gently in the wind
and lay flat when wet
Computer-generated animation is 3D,
meaning that objects and characters are
modeled on a plane with a X, Y and Z axis
There are two basic kinds of computer animation:
computer-assisted and computer-generated
Animators at Disney revolutionized the
industry with innovations like the use of
sounds in animated short films and the
multi-plane camera stand that created the
parallax effect of background depth
Technology has been a long part of the animator's
Earliest films were scientific simulations
including "Flow of a Viscous Fluid" and
"Propagation of Shock Waves in a Solid
The roots of computer animation began with
computer graphics pioneers in the early 1960s
Utah Teapot -rendered 3D teapot that
signaled a turning point in the
photorealistic quality of 3D graphics
University of Utah was source of the earliest
important break through in 3D computer
graphics, like the hidden surface algorithm
that allows a computer to conceptualize 3D
Ed Catmull (University of Utah) was one of the
first to toy with computer animation as art,
beginning with a 3D rendering of his hand opening
and closing
More films in later 1970s and early 1980s
relied on computer graphics (CG) to create
primitive effects
"Tron" (1982) was ideal for showcasing
undeniably digital effects
"Jurassic Park" (1993) was first feature film
to integrate convincingly real, entirely
computer generated characters into a lice
action film
"Toy Story" (1995) from Pixar was first full-
length cartoon made entirely with computer-
generated 3D animation
In 1972, "Westworld" became first film to contain
computer-generated 2D graphics
Today, a standard desktop computer runs
5000x faster than those used by computer
graphics pioneers in 1960s
Cost of the basic technology for creating
computer animation has dropped from
$500,000 to less than $2,000
Increasing sophistication and realism of 3D
animation can be directly credited to an
exponential growth in computer processing power
Read: How computer animation works
create 3D world inside a computer
Can move a camera inside a 3D world to make
characters come to life
Moment in lighting where all the pieces
come together and the world comes to life
Can use light to help tell story, set mood,
guide the audience eye, make characters
stand out…etc
Can add or remove lighting to place it and create
shadows -balancing reality and artistry
Mimic physics of water, light,
movement…etc. but not constrained by it
Tether ourselves with science and the world we
know as a background -create something relatable
Ribbons of light
Movement of water
Fog beams
Can change colour to depict a mood
Create a believable world that the audience
can immerse themselves in
Ex. Finding Nemo
Ex. Light in Walle's "binoculars" to make it
more human-like with emotions
Can portray emotion with light
Interweaving of art and science
Watch: Magic ingredient that brings Pixar movies to life
Augmented reality is the welding of the real world
with computer-generated imagery
Latest technology
Willing enter fictional world
Must suspend our disbelief
Deliberately exploit the way the audience thinks
Defy logic
Watch: Magical tale (with augmented reality)
Explore solutions to solve the climate crisis
Could see pictures or videos on a map
Can include pictures, interactive images, and
videos that can be expanded
Ex. Blowing into mic to see windmill
Interactive infographics -can explore
Runs on ipad and iphone
"Our Choice" -first interactive digital book by Al
Watch: Next-generation digital book
Augmented reality (AR) is an enhanced
perception of a physical, real-world
environment such that some elements are
augmented and overlaid by computer-
generated sensory input, such as sounds,
images, video or computer vision
The perception may be in real time and may
involve human interactivity
Applications may include the Google glass,
realistic medical/military training, and
realistic entertainment
What is augmented reality, and some of its
potential uses?
Speech recognition is a collection of
computational techniques that aim at
recognizing or classifying natural human
Usually, it processes the speech signal as
data from its coding representation,
segments the code into components,
identifies the components in their context,
and classifies the components into
interpretable human words
Each step of the process can present some
difficulties due to possible ambiguity,
uncertainty of the true nature, or confusion
between potential words
What is speech recognition and briefly discuss
some of the challenges in its development?
Tweening -technique usually using
computing to generate frames to fill in the
content between two key frames in
Key frame -frame used as a reference point
in computer algorithm for smooth transition
Kinematics -study of methods in
manipulating motion of an object, usually
using a 3D model without considering the
cause of the motion
Briefly define these terms in animation:3.
Multimedia Computing
Friday,*March*9,*2018 2:24*PM
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Document Summary

Identify and describe some of the approaches used in digital book and computer animation. Examine and evaluate the design and presentation using multimedia techniques. Describe an interactive technique based on speech recognition, its nature, and how it was developed. Multimedia appeals to more of our senses than the traditional computing. It may even appear in daily products in the form of digital books and movies. It may use user interactivities such as speech recognition. Despite the attractiveness and impact of using multimedia, the key is still the presentation of the intended message using these media. Multimedia computing not only involves algorithms that connect and process different types of data, but also involves the creative use of technologies in delivering a story Computer animation is to take static objects and give them life through their movements and personality, and illusory devices that take advantage of a sequence of animated events.

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