ARTH 2550 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Nardo Di Cione, Florence Cathedral, True Cross
Document Summary
Master of the triumph of death, 4. 37: three skeletons playing the dance of death, during the plague, showing art becomes linked to the things happening in the real world. The things that happen to ordinary people later become an increasing of interest in the renaissance. Some things we associate with the renaissance is rationality, and a faith in science. It did(cid:374)"t take a(cid:449)a(cid:455) religio(cid:374), (cid:271)ut e(cid:454)plored other relatio(cid:374)ships (cid:449)ith the (cid:449)orld hu(cid:373)a(cid:374)s li(cid:448)e in. Orvieto, duomo fa ade: cathedral in venice, maitani, last judgment, 4. 36, maitani did the decoration, and was the capo maestro (head master, he gets rid of frames and uses these horizontal rows to show narration. Nardo di cione: madonna and child, tempera, triptych, though not as extravagant, the tempera does have elements giotto because the bodies in the wings appear solid and realistic, but there is still that gold byzantine background, and the.