ANTH 1150 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Medical Anthropology, Primatology, Cultural Anthropology
Week One September 13 2017
Holism – Broad perspective study of humans
Anthro (man) [p] ology (logos/word/study)
• Anthropology came about out of the human condition
• Humans are pretty comfortable with our own language, culture, religion, art etc.
• Anthropology studies the reactions of human beings discovering cultures that are
different from their own
• Idea of colonialism, better understanding of the diversity of humanity
• Between 1450 and 1650, Europeans discovered nations all over the world, what do you
think happened when the various cultures were discovered?
o People of other faiths, religions and languages had difficulty understanding a
ertai perspetie or elief that as’t like their o
• It’s eerythig aout huaity ad hat it eas to e alive on this planet; looking at
the bigger picture
Origins – Past – Present
1. Cultural (American) /Social (British) Anthropology
o People we can see and talk to today
o The study of other societies
o Comparing cultures can seem negative, though the goal is to find a contrast
between them.
o Americans believed in calling it Cultural anthropology due to their liking of
collecting things from museums, while the British preferred Social Anthropology
due to their interest in other societies and the social constructs of them
▪ Canadians are influenced by both: human beings and what happens
around us
o Religious diversity can be a good thing, though human beings find it difficult to
relate to something they do not believe in, and it often causes conflict
o Coflits ourrig i the orld today are a result of others’ opiios o
other cultures and beliefs
2. Biological/Physical Anthropology
o What are tied to our genetics that are tied to our ethnicity?
o The idea of race being a social concept as opposed to a biological concept
▪ The different perspectives of what we considered race
3. Linguistic Anthropology
o Why and when did we start speaking?
o How does language and thought relate?
o Different language cultures and how they relate
o There are different language families
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