CHEM101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Rydberg Formula, Bohr Model, Classical Mechanics

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CHEM101 Full Course Notes
CHEM101 Full Course Notes
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Atomic spectra: pass white light through a prism continuous spectrum (~400 and ~750 nm, pass radiation through a slit and refracted by a prism (discontinuous, classical mechanics is unable to explain discontinuous spectra! Spectral lines are produced when an e moves from one energy level to another energy level. If energy could take continuous values the spectrum would be similar to the visi(cid:271)le spe(cid:272)tru(cid:373). That"s (cid:374)ot the (cid:272)ase (cid:894)see top of fig (cid:1011). (cid:1012) for hydroge(cid:374)(cid:895). Energy levels in an atom are not continuous but discrete (quantized). Only transitions between these levels are allowed and observed. Absorption excitation from a lower allowed energy level to a higher allowed energy level. Emission relaxation from a higher allowed energy level to a lower allowed energy level (often to the ground level). Why does absorption occur at the same wavelength as emission? https://chem. libretexts. org/textbook_maps/general_chemistry_textbook_maps/map%3a_chemistry%3a_the_central_science_(brown_ et_al. Three series of spectral lines of atomic hydrogen. The visible (balmer) series could be fit to an equation: