HIST 121 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Liberal Arts Education, Maimonides, Medieval Philosophy

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Islam & aristotle: wide variety of aristotelian texts; major intellectual. Centers & literacy: the commentator: averroes & integral aristotelianism, many way of reaching one truth, philosophy illuminates religion: they work in perfect harmony, not accepted by all muslim scholar. New logic (logica nova) & the lectio: peter lombard"s sentences (1100-1160, height of the lectio format, reading & organization of authoritative texts, logical arrangement of all topics of christian faith. Education & faith remain intertwined: the seven liberal arts. Isidore of seville: trivium: grammar, rhetoric, logic/dialectic. Primary disciplines needed to study the bible: quadrivium: arithmetic, astronomy, music, geometry, secondary disciplines which aid study of creation, the quaestio (the disputed question) Presentation of opposing arguments, based on reason & authority. Thomas aquinas (1225-1274: a conservative view on aristotle: useful only when in line with christian. Any philosophy that contradicts christianity should be discarded. Revelation allows for knowledge of god that philosophy doesn"t. There are elements of faith that surpass logic, sensory experience,

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