CHEM 112 Lecture Notes - Ecosystem Management, Overfishing

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Conversions in tropical and subtropical terrestrial ecosystems have been particularly rapid from 1970-2000, about 20% of coral reefs were lost and another 20% were degraded. 6 times as much water is held in reservoirs then in natural rivers. Amount of water withdrawn from rivers has doubled food production contributes the most to economic development and employment. 22% of of world"s population is employed in agriculture. Total economic value of a sustainably managed ecosystem is higher than that of an intensively exploited one (ie. clear-cut logging or intensive agriculture) Collapse of the newfoundland cod fishery in the 1990s due to overfishing resulted in the loss of many jobs. Many ecosystems are considered public goods that have no market value. Sustainable use of freshwater can be achieved by charging users full cost of providing the water, using water more effectively in agriculture and alter allocation of water rights.