KINESIOL 1Y03 Lecture Notes - Lecture 21: Temporal Lobe, Microvillus, Resting Potential

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Sound waves: external auditory canal > tympanic membrane. Middle and external ear are air filled cavities. Oval window is an opening to inner ear a membrane covered opening (it is an entry point) Stapes (like your hand) bangs on oval window (like pool cover) (from air filled cavity > Round window membrane covered; acts as the exit point of sound waves from cochlea. Auditory (eustachian) tube connects middle ear to back of throat air from throat to middle ear. This is bc we want equal air pressure on either side of tympanic membrane. If you get fluid in middle ear, this interferes with functioning of the auditory ossicles (malleus, incus, stapes) > can"t hear as well. Inner ear is a space in temporal bone filled with membrane structures that create little cavities. 3 main regions: balance: vestibule, hearing: cochlea, balance: semicircular canals. These structures are fluid-filled but we want to separate the fluids.