CHEM 120 Lecture Notes - Lecture 14: Buoyancy, Contact Angle, Surface Tension

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Viscosity: liquids resistance to flow, high viscosity high IF
- Cohesive forces create internal friction within the liquid; more cohesive forces, higher IF
- Liquids are less viscous than solids
- Cohesive Forces: water and water (H bonding), pulls the wter up the sides of the container
- Adhesion: IF between water and the surface, convex meniscus (weak)
Viscosity by Ball drop: drag fore stokes’ la, fore of graity, uoyat fore ball bearing
- Terminal V a=0 the forces are equal, FB+FD=Fg
When KE is higher, it disrupts IF:
- Viscosity of liquids DECREASE when the temperature increases, because at high temp these
interactions are weaker
- Hot water makes a higher pitch noise than water, the molecules have more energy so the
stikiess is ore, the isosity ad IF akes a differee to soud
Surface Tension: energy required to increase the surface area of a liquid
- The stronger the forces between the particles, the higher the surface tension
- Y = 
- Surface molecules experience a net attraction towards the bulk; molecules have higher PE than
the ones in the bulk liquids try to lower their PE so the surface of the water bends to
minimize SA
Dispersion forces increase with larger and more polarizable molecules
- The stronger the attractive forces between the molecules, the higher the BP is
The longer the molecule is; the more it can interact with molecules like itself
- Spherical molecules experience less dispersion forces because it has less contact points
- More elongated More surface area dispersion forces increase
Capillary Action:
- The ability of a liquid to flow against gravity; spontaneously rising in a narrow tube
- Capillary Rise: directly related to the adhesive/cohesive actions
o Fluid flows up because ATM pushes on the column and the rise reacts to balance
Wetting: ability for a liquid to spread on a surface (e.g. glass and water, coating slide), interactions are
weaker with the oil, the glass will beat up the contact angle tells us the degrees of the contact forces
- No beating with water and glass, the adhesion forces are strong
- 180angle, no beating because the adhesion forces are weak, and the cohesive forces are
- Metallic Bonding > H bonding > Dispersion > Dipole-Dipole
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