THEO 203 Lecture Notes - Lecture 27: Matthew 3, Analog Science Fiction And Fact, New Revised Standard Version
Document Summary
32 for i have no pleasure in the death of anyone, says the lord god. Turn, then, and live. (nrsv: note: the heart (not the brain) was seen as the seat of the mind in the ancient world. In the hebrew bible, prophets receive the spirit of god: they are thus able to preach the word of god, however, it does not seem to be permanent: it is only present when they are prophesizing, 2. It could also mean that he has received the spirit permanently. Just as everyone will in the kingdom of god on the day of yhwh: the permanence of the spirit, mark indicates that jesus has received the spirit permanently, 1. He is declared to be god"s son: the sons of god were righteous people. In the new kingdom, all will be sons of god: 2. The spirit is not described as leaving him. Jesus will be presented as continuing to be perfectly righteous: 4.