THEO 203 Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Asherah, Theodicy, Monolatrism

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13 Nov 2020

Document Summary

Lecture 12: group of israelites ended up being slaves in egypt, and they escaped with the help of the. Movement by modern scholars: the yhwh alone movement: the precursor of judaism, seems to have began as primarily a prophetic movement, the early leaders of israel, the judges, were all prophets of yhwh. In short, they created judaism: the yhwh alone movement and judaism monotheism, the yhwh alone movement in the babylonian and persian periods came to define. Judaism as we know it: the sole worship of god (monolatry) became monotheism, the view that god is the only god, the centrality of the law in everyday lives, the centrality of the temple. Judah is sometimes referred to as a temple state in the persian and. Hellenistic periods: keeping apart from foreign people, the belief in a future day of judgement and reward, future perfect predictions, the movement also predicted that after the punishment, god would forgive and restore.

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